Station Master Switcher
This Product has been discontinued
Station Master SM1 Daughter Upgrade Card.
Station Master Studio Switcher SM1 & SM2 Daughter Upgrade Cards
Station Master is part of the Sonifex range of professional audio products designed for building radio stations on a budget. It combines into a single package all the equipment required for audio distribution, studio switching, talkback and monitoring for up to 4 studios.
SM1 Daughter Upgrade Card
The Station Master to the left is a rear view of an
SM24-PMM which has two studio interface cards. The unit can be upgraded to a SM34-PMM by adding a SM1 Daughter Upgrade Card, (giving it three studio interface cards).
SM2 Daughter Upgrade Card
The image to the left shows a rear view of a SM44-PMM which has four studio interface cards. This can be achieved by adding a SM2 Daughter Upgrade Card to a SM24-PMM.